Branding SOS: A quick tip to making your business stand out on Instagram stories!

Use your brand colours in everything that you do. 

Your colour is your superpower and one of the most underrated subliminal messaging tools out there. Green = Starbucks, purple = Cadbury, yellow arches = McDonalds. You get the idea. 

But what should I do and how should I do it?

Take two or three colours from your primary colour palette and save these as an image to your phone. This is your brand tile. You can make a brand tile in Canva or any design program you have access to. Then every time you post a story, change the text box colours to your brand colours.

Be consistent but also you don’t have to be fixated on it. Instagram is limited in its colour picking capabilities but as long as your colour picks stay consistent you can adopt these colour combos for  online/social media purposes.

See the video (right) for a more visual example of how to colour pick for text boxes on Instagram

  1. Add your brand tile as a photo

  2. Type your text

  3. Tap on the colour wheel to bring up the colours and select the dropper tool (far left where the colours are).

  4. Select the colour that is on your brand tile

  5. Tap on the A** icon next to the colour wheel to get the opposite colour combo

Brand style tile for Instagram Stories

Wait, go back - WTF is a brand tile??

Really simply it’s just a picture with some circles of your brand colours on.

Look left to see mine (it’s definitely a bit fancier than it needs to be - I just like flexing my design muscle.)

All you need to do is pop your colours onto an insta stories size Canva template and export as a PNG, then send it to your phone and save it as a photo. Easy peasy.


Ok thanks for this Becky, but can you get me started with my branding?

Of course I can! Press on the button below to request a 30 minute Brand Clinic Call with me so we can collaborate on how to make your brand the next big thing in your industry. 


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