Hertfordshire branding shoot with pet portrait illustrator, Rosie Locks Creates

When Rosemary got in touch to tell me all about her business I was so excited. Her colourful wardrobe, gorgeous illustrations and her energy were the perfect ingredients for an exciting shoot.

After almost cancelling the shoot because of armageddon style rain when I turned up to the doorstep of her home studio, we thought we’d just be able to do the inside, lifestyle shots so I dried myself off and got shooting. As we were packing up, the rain stopped and the sun graced us with it’s presence giving us dreamy light and we ran out into the garden immediately to bask in it when we could.

Lucky for us the sun hung around for a little while so we went on an adventure to find tea and cake and stopped along the way to try some fun things, have a play and generally just laugh non stop.

One of the perks of my job is being taken round the home town of the person I am photographing. From their favourite coffee shop, or a wine bar they frequent, to where they walk their dog, catch the bus or watch the squirrels. It’s an absolute joy to be shown those places that are special to them and then really make the shoot feel real. (It also helps you show up online easily as you’re not putting on a personna or faking anything. It’s all just real).

With Rosemary we shot in her house, her garden, her local wooded patch and her favourite tea and cake shop!

On every branding shoot I like to finish with a fun empowerment session. That outfit that you never get to wear but you love - grab that. Then let’s go get silly and dance like no one is watching. It’s the best way to really make sure that the real you is being captured and by the time we’ve had tea/cake/coffee/fizz and we’ve been chatting for a couple of hours you’re usually pretty relaxed and have let your guard down a touch. That is when the magic happens.

In Rosemary’s case she donned some silver cowboy boots, some sequins and grabbed some bubbles. It was an absolute vibe, then we ran back to her house like giggly teenagers as the rain drops started. We managed to get our full shoot in between the showers and I’m really pleased about how natural and authentic they look for Rosemary.

Here’s what Rosemary had to say about the shoot:

“I’m literally on cloud 9 Becky! I have been in and out of my gallery just thinking, that’s me!!! I can’t wait to use the photos and have had to stop myself from downloading and sharing them all at once.

Thank you for induldging my sequin dress and bubbles idea too! I just love them all xxx”

You can find her on instagram: Rosemary’s Instagram

Interested in a branding shoot with me?

I can help! I love photographing creative business owners from to really capture their personalities in a beautiful and exciting way. My priority is making sure you have a good time as I know that if you truly enjoyed the experience you will be more excited to show up and use your photos. It’s the perfect boost to your business marketing and also a great confidence boost for you too.

Click on the button below to find out more:


A photo essay of female joy.


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